Saturday, June 19, 2010

To the ER (and back)- April 23, 2010

Trey suddenly became sick the night before (when we were at Nazz Kart- see post below), and we considered taking him straight to the ER, but decided to just bring him home and watch him for the night.  When he woke up the next morning, he was still very sick.  I called our family doctor, who wanted Trey to go straight to the ER.

Poor Trey:
No matter how crummy he feels, he can still be very silly!
Heading to the hospital:
We were so happy that they didn't end up having to stay for long!  After a blood draw, it was determined that he did have some type of infection, but his white blood cell count was not high enough to cause any worry.  Trey was sent home with an antibiotic, and Ben and I were relieved that he got to come home.  Trey, on the other hand, was very disappointed that he didn't get to ride in an ambulance or stay at Primary's.  That boy...  There are some aspects of his health issue that Trey does enjoy- and he is always hoping for a hospital stay (he must forget that hospital stays usually go hand-in-hand with feeling miserable).  He looks forward to staying in the hospital because he knows he'll get to play video games and order whatever he wants to eat. {Just the other day, I overheard Trey tell Tyler that it's totally worth having heart problems just to have a treehouse.  Make-a-Wish would be happy to hear that!}
Little Sammi with her meds (for thrush) all over her face (she's not the best about taking her meds)
Luke and Trey, taking it easy:
Lolly came to join in on the fun (her cute, pajama-clad body):

1 comment:

  1. You guys have so many kids. Do you tag their ears, like the cows, so you don't lose them? Honestly I can't wait to have more.
