Friday, June 18, 2010

The Playground- April 15, 2010

Trey catching Lolly

Both big boys played t-ball/baseball this year, and both their teams practiced at the elementary school.  On the few nice days we had practice, the other kids loved to play at the playground. 

Even Sammi (2 weeks old) got to hang out at the playground for a while:
We really aren't sure where Lolly came from, because she is so different from all our other kids.  All three boys were very timid when they were young, but Lolly is C-R-A-Z-Y and fearless.  Case in point- the big boys refused to go down this big slide at the playground until they were at least 4 (Luke still refuses to go down), but Lolly climbed up all by herself, again and again, and loved it!  She's such a brave girl, and her brothers are so proud of her.
I was quite nervous about her climbing so high (remember- she just learned to walk a few months ago, and she's still somewhat of a klutz), but Trey followed behind her most of the time.

Tyler's friend, Dawson, liked to catch her at the bottom:

She's a wild one.
And very pink.
With shiny shoes.
Sammi snoozed in the shade.

Trey and friends filled their socks with rocks.  Awesome.

Way back in April, we thought nice weather was right around the corner.  Little did we know that it would still be cold/rainy/windy in June!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You captured some incredible facial expressions in these pictures! I love it!
