Friday, June 18, 2010

Sammi's Echo- April 16, 2010

At Sammi's two-week check-up, the doctor noticed a heart murmur.  Heart murmurs are quite common in babies, but with our family history, he wanted to be sure it was an innocent murmur.  He scheduled Sammi for an echocardiogram at the hospital in Twin Falls (an hour away). 
Sammi's heart was thoroughly inspected at my 19-week ultrasound in October, and again during a fetal echocardiogram a few weeks later at Primary Children's hospital last December- and both times, we were told that everything with her heart looked great.  Because of the previous news, we weren't overly concerned with her heart murmur after birth, but wanted to make sure everything was fine.
Sammi was so good during the entire echo, and sucked away on her binky (we tried and tried to turn her into a binky addict, but she never really "took" to binkies, and has now become a thumb sucker).

She even held the guy's hand for a while:
As it turns out, Sammi has a Functional Bicuspid Aortic Valve, which is a very common abnormality of the heart.  Her aortic valve has two leaflets instead of three, and should not require any future medical intervention, although Trey's cardiologist at Primary's does want to do a follow-up echo with Sammi when she is three.  We feel very blessed that Sammi's heart is healthy.  After spending 40 weeks worrying about the health of my baby, it is always such a relief to know that everything is okay.


  1. What a relief! I can't imagine having to go through that again and again.

  2. serious??? i know it's "no big deal", but honestly, can't you guys get a heart defect break right about now!!!???

    brooklyn was bron with an innocent murmur too and in utero they suspected a VERY small VSD, but she seems to be fine.

    what is with us heart moms...we must need more than one child with a heart issue to feel complete.
