Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Grandma's 80th- April 10, 2010

For my Grandma Holman's 80th birthday, her only request was to do a temple session with as many family members as possible.  The family also planned a big party for afterwards to celebrate Grandma's special day.

We packed up and headed to Centerville/Bountiful- our first road trip with all 5 kids.  I was a teeny-tiny bit nervous about how it would go- but the kids were as good as gold (even Lolly, which was a miracle).  Ben watched all the kids at the church where the party was to be held.  We brought lots of basketballs, and the kids were happy as could be to hang out for several hours. 

Sammi did great while I was gone to the temple- she was still very sleepy, and was a good girl to sleep the whole time I was gone (no way that could happen now!). 

All of my family came to the party as well, and it was so fun to have ALL of us together for the first time.  I got to see my new niece, Bridgette, for the first time, and it was the first time the rest of my family (besides my parents) got to meet Sammi. 

Mom, Bridgette and Sarah (SIL):
Bridgette is awesome:

My grandma is such an amazing lady.  She and grandpa were married (in the temple) while she was still in high school.  She was a married woman her senior year (crazy!).  Grandma is seriously one of the most talented people on the face of the earth- she can do anything- amazing cook, fabulous homemaker, seamstress, builder (she's helped build many homes- and I'm pretty sure she built a treehouse by herself).  She has accomplished so many things in her 80 years, and has more energy than I do.  I love her so much.

Grandma has encouraged and supported me so much through the years.  When Trey was born and sent to Primary Children's hospital, Grandma and Grandpa welcomed us to their apartment in SLC (their 2nd home) to stay as long as we needed, which was a huge blessing.  I remember getting back to the apartment very late one night, after spending the day at the hospital with Trey.  Grandma, of course, had waited up, and had a late-night snack ready for me.  I was tired and discouraged and worried about everything, and grandma gave me the best pep talk and words of encouragement.  

Several years later, when Trey was going in for his 3rd surgery, Grandma and Grandpa brought their camp trailer to the hospital for us to live in while we were there.  We were able to live right at the hospital, and be close to Trey, day and night.  They have always been generous with their things, and we have furnished a lot of our home with things they gave us.

After Sasha was stillborn, Grandma was one of the only people I knew who'd had a stillborn baby, and she understood just what I was going through.  Decades later, she still is sad when she talks about her own baby that she lost. 

I love my grandma.  She is such a wonderful lady, and we were so glad we could be there to celebrate with her.  At her party, she took a few minutes to talk, and told about a few of the experiences of her life.  One story stood out to me- she said that on the WAY HOME to Sugar City, Idaho, after their wedding in the Idaho Falls Temple, Grandpa wanted to stop at Porter Park for two baseball games (they watched one and he played in one).  This was right AFTER their wedding!!!  She said that she understood then that Grandpa needed a "steady diet of sports," and she always tried to support him in that. 

Lolly loved the food:
Luke loved the cupcakes:
Some of us that were there:
Grandma with Sammi, her newest great-grandchild:
Grandpa, Grandma and Sammi:
Four generations: my dad, Sammi, my grandma and me:
Proof that my brother, Lance, is huge (pictured with his wife, Sarah, and G and G):
With my yonger brother, Ryan, who is hilarious.  I don't get to see him nearly often enough:

Grandma and me:
My uncle Brad loves babies:
When we were babies, my dad used to gently bounce us on his knee to get us to sleep (my mom didn't think it was gentle enough- she always thought we'd get brain damage).  Just as I did when I was little, Sammi LOVED it.  She had been fussy after a long day, and as soon as my dad started bouncing her, she calmed right down.


  1. Looks like such fun! I sure miss my grandma Sarah and grandpa Carl. There is nothing like loving grandparents!!

  2. I love your family so much. I really enjoy seeing the posts from when you all get together. GREATEST people around!!! Your grandma is awesome and the babies look ADORABLE! I will have to stop by sometime when I am passing Declo so that I can hold Sammi. She is so cute!
